Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Request for Proposals
Friday, December 17, 2010
like-initiatives around the globe
And -- for our Upstate audiences, at least -- the Northside's a lot closer than Ukraine.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Projects that have made it to the finish line
Want to see some examples of what sort of projects DISHES hopes to fund?
Take a look at Melanie Jelacic's proposal for the Metropolitan Pool shower room, which she pitched at FEAST in Brooklyn last February. Jelacic recognized that the showers at a public pool in Brooklyn were really moldy and - frankly - ugly. She also knew that if the city were to tile the showers, it would do so without much attention to aesthetic. So she designed a mosaic for the showers, sourced tile at-cost, and hired a bunch of neighborhood kids to install the tiles. (You can see her pitch by clicking here.)
Another grant-winning project, pitched by a graphic designer in Brooklyn, involved creating a designed "wallpaper" to put up on the many abandoned buildings and dumpsters that described his Brooklyn neighborhood.
Inspired? Share your great idea with us in the form of a proposal! Hit the tab 'Proposals' above for more information.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Lingering questions about DISHES?
New Facebook Page!
Monday, December 13, 2010
New look!
With Bre and Stasya, two other drivers of this arts-as-community-development bus, Damian is also at work on a new logo. Stay tuned for that, as well as the musical act and menu slated to make DISHES a lively debut.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
The power of microgrants
You might not know the extent that microgrants and microloans have been proven to transform the lives of go-getters from Bangladesh to Burma.
Best known among them is Grameen Bank, founded by Nobel Peace Prize-winner Mohammed Yunus. Grameen Bank extends small loans to entrepreneurs in Bangladesh -- and charges affordable interest rates, which aren't easy to secure if you don't have any collateral to put up against the loan. and TrickleUp are some of the U.S.-based organizations that enable donnors to give loans and grants to entrepreneurs in the developing world. (Kiva works with people in the States, too.)
Although the types of projects DISHES supports may differ from ones enabled by these other institutions, the spirit is the same: if everyone donates a little bit, our city -- and our lives -- will be the richer for it.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Venue Spotlight: Saint Clare Theater
Stay tuned for updates about the menu, new logo, and musical guests!